Welcome to S.E.A.L. Teams™: A Band of Brothers. We are thrilled you have chosen to spend time with us through this series and we pray you allow this four-episode video Bible Study to change your life. S.E.A.L. Teams™ helps men build and grow the three most important relationships in his life. The first is with God through Jesus Christ. The second is with his family, and lastly, in what we find to be the weakest link in men’s relationships, with his friends and brothers.
Our goal in this Bible study is to uncover the value of godly friendship and to provide a simple blueprint to intentionally pursue it. This four-episode study is an excerpt of the curriculum by Men’s Pastor Scott Caesar entitled ”The Mission Driven Man – Set Free to Live Free“ which is designed for Men’s ministries, small groups, or just 2 or 3 men who want to get serious in their walk with Jesus Christ. We encourage you to check it out here.

S.E.A.L. Teams™ Training will:
- Equip men to become more like Jesus in friendships.
- Break men free from isolation and loneliness.
- Encourage authenticity in friendships with other men.
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